The AllSearch Cares Mission

Empower Individuals. Promote Community. Enhance Careers.

The AllSearch Cares Mission: “Empower Individuals. Promote Community. Enhance Careers.”

Through the selfless and dedicated efforts of our internal team, AllSearch is proud to extend a helping hand throughout our York, PA community through our volunteer initiative called AllSearch Cares.
AllSearch Cares Charity Mission Helping Up Mission
AllSearch Cares Team - Giving Back to the Community
Effective Summer 2021, each time an AllSearch Recruiter makes a successful placement, AllSearch will make a charitable donation to the Recruiter’s charity of choice.  Each Recruiter on the AllSearch Team has been given the opportunity to select a charity that is important to them.  For the first round of donations made in July 2021, the AllSearch Team selected the following organizations who will receive cash donations:  Community REACH, York Young Revolution, Lucky Fin Project, Bell Socialization Services, PA Caring for K-9’s, and Not One More – York Pa Chapter. “The AllSearch Cares donations are the embodiment of AllSearch Recruiting’s Mission and Values,” says Kyle Hullmann, Director of Business Development.  “We aim to make a positive impact in everything that we do and these donations serve as a commitment to our community. With each employee having the ability to choose their own cause, we can contribute to a variety of non-profits that each have a unique meaning to our staff. We could not be more excited to see the results of this program in the coming months and years.”
“By giving our talented team the opportunity to be able to make a real impact in the community, we give them a reason to be even more passionate about coming to work each day,” said Morgan Thomas, Director of Employee Experience at AllSearch.  “Not only are we able to change lives on a daily basis through our professional recruiting practice, but also changing lives in the local community where we live.” Jason Connors, one of AllSearch Co-Founders and CEO, comments, “Over the past few years, it became obvious that we have built such a wonderful team of people that are so driven by our company’s mission of Changing Lives.  We want AllSearch to be more than just a “nice place to work” but instead become a robust organization where a lifelong career can be built, dedicated to helping others in all capacities of life.”  Connors adds, “With this program, we are hopeful that both the candidates that we place and the companies that hire talent through our firm can take pride in knowing that they are also part of this program. Their partnership with AllSearch is not only benefiting themselves, but their communities as well.” Blending the professional work that the company does on a day-to-day basis to charge and improve lives of the candidates and companies that they partner with, AllSearch is very proud to extend a helping hand throughout the communities that they serve through AllSearch Cares.


The AllSearch Cares initiative will focus on the following areas:

Company Sponsored Volunteer Time:  Added in 2019, AllSearch now offers each staff member 16 hours of VTO (Volunteer Time Off) to use annually. This can be used through a combination of solo volunteer time and group volunteer opportunities with other members of the company. Through this benefit, the AllSearch team will be giving the central PA non-profit community almost 400 volunteer hours this year.

Employment Preparation / Career Guidance Mentorships:  Through partnerships with caring organizations in York County, PA, AllSearch will accept referrals of motivated individuals that strongly desire to find meaningful employment to improve their life situation. Using the combined skills from their experienced recruiting team, and their contacts in the local community, AllSearch will access each referral’s needs through an extensive intake session. This will allow AllSearch to customize a mentoring plan with each individual.

Free Recruiting Assistance to Local Non-Profits:  AllSearch will offer pro-bono recruiting support to other wonderful organizations that are helping to improve the central PA community. By attracting and hiring the best possible talent, these organizations can even better impact the community through the positive works that they are already doing, without being bogged down with the recruiting function.

For more information on our AllSearch Cares program, or how AllSearch can assist your non-profit organization or event, email  Jason or call (717) 846-2240 x106.

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